Dream Haven
Dream Haven
Tiare Thomas Harris

Join us in the Dream Haven

Your community of purpose driven dreamers to dream, collaborate and create!

Clarify and create the life and business you deeply desire!

Join 100+ Dreamers motivated to creating the life and business they deeply desire and who value the support of like minded people.

Aloha Dreamboard's Dream Haven is your dream come true community, an empowering place to clarify your new vision as you step into the next season of your life and career path or business, share and declare your authentic dreams, connect and collaborate with like minded people, receive feedback and praise, celebrate your accomplishments with people who care and most importantly to live out your dreams. 

We help purpose driven professionals & leaders, when feeling stuck as they are transitioning out of an undesired relationship, career or health choices, to clarify and create the life and profession or business they deeply desire, without wasting precious time.

The Dream Haven is a hybrid community which hosts dreamboarding courses, classes, coaching programs and events. Dreamers are open and transparent. We welcome you in with open arms with the intention that you feel accepted, valued, nourished and recharged.

Our community is focused on dreaming big and are on a path towards mastering The Art of Dreamboarding. 

In our Dream Haven community we offer additional courses and programs that will help you to access your deepest desires and designing your personalized map of your future vision through Dreamboarding. Our unique method of Dreamboarding acts as the foundational tool to guide your successful and fulfilling life and business decisions. 


Plant the seeds to grow your dreams.

Imagining as if your dreamboard is the garden of your dreams. And each dream you clarify represents a seed you've planted. The growth of your dreams will reveal how you nourished and nurtured them. The more intention, energy, care and attention you put into your dreamboard, the more likely your dreams will sprout, grow and eventually flourish.

As stated in the book The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill, 

“...any idea you firmly fix in your subconscious mind, by repeated affirmation, automatically becomes a plan or blueprint which an unseen power uses in directing your efforts toward the attainment of the objective named in the plan.”

A dreamboard hosts your ideas and objectives and will support you during your manifesting journey. After a number of repeated visits to your dreamboard, your subconscious mind will assist you in attracting the opportunities that will lead you to attaining your desires.


Take a deep dive into discovering your deepest desires and gain clarity of what your dream life looks like through creating a Lifeboard Dreamboard.

Aloha Dreamboard's signature course acts as the foundation to the building blocks before you continue on with our other dreamboarding courses. This course includes Modules that will guide you towards defining your dreams, creating an organized and structured Dreamboard that is focused on creating a more harmonious flow of energy in your life.